Telegram group: [MBA833] Specialization and ………..are two of the crucial aspects determining the management structure that has to be created for the role players involved in industrial relations management Centralization [MBA833] Specialization and ………..are two of the crucial aspects determining the management structure that has to be created for the role players involved in industrial relations management Centralization [MBA833] The major preocupation under the …………..involves strategizing toward the bargaining process taking into consideration the basic policies to be respected. Selection Stage [MBA833] The major preocupation under the …………..involves strategizing toward the bargaining process taking into consideration the basic policies to be respected. Negotiation [MBA833] The major preocupation under the …………..involves strategizing toward the bargaining process taking into consideration the basic policies to be respected. Selection Stage [MBA833] The major preocupation under the …………..involves strategizing toward the bargaining process taking into consideration the basic policies to be respected. Selection Stage [MBA833] The grievance interview normally goes through the following stages except……………… Description [MBA833] The grievance interview normally goes through the following stages except……………… Description [MBA833] ……………….relates to the way in which an employee is dismissed. Procedural Fairness [MBA833] ……………….is what the parties give to each other in order to derive a benefit under the contract of employment. Consideration