Email: Whatsapp/Telegram: 08131667008 MBA801 Question: Maslow regards the highest need in his hierarchy. as Answer: Self-Actualisation needs Question: systems require very little inventory because successive operations are closely coordinated. Answer: JIT involves taking orders in one period, and promising deliveries for a later period. Answer: Back orders Question: single-period is used to handle ordering of Answer: perishable is the cost of buying or producing the individual inventory items. Answer: Item cost is the management of the flow of materials from manufacturers to customers and from warehouses to retailers. Answer: Distribution models answer the question of how much to order but not the question of when to order Answer: EOQ are usally pre-occupicd with the quantity and timing of expected demand. Answer: Aggregate Inventory counting system can be or perpetual. Answer: periodic Measures of inventories are usually reported in three basic ways Answer: Three A perpetual inventory system also known as a system Answer: continual Management has two basic functions concerning inventory. Answer: two Question: Linear programming application begins with the of a model of the problem. Answer: formulation Question: Capacity Options has‭ ‬ basic options available for altering the capacity. Answer: five Question: Objective of any LP process is called the Answer: primal Question: chart is a popular tool for planning and scheduling simple projects. Answer: Gantt Question: Process of reversing or of the primal process is called the dual. Answer: transpose Question: Lean systems require the of sources of potential disruption to the even flow of work. Answer: elimination Question: The term refers to holding a part or parts over a number of periods. Answer: part-period Question: means that inputs are infinitely divisible. Answer: Divisibility Question: MRP II refers to manufacturing planning. Answer: resources Email: Whatsapp/Telegram: 08131667008