Telegram group: [MAC423] All the following are characteristics of a book except It is published for promoting a business [MAC423] All except one, is not a significance of a book A recipe for re-structuring [MAC423] ____is not part of the publishing process Sales promotion [MAC423] Books which tell about imaginary events and people are called what? Fictional books [MAC423] What is the publishing arrangmenet where you pay for the cost of publication of your book? Vanity Publishing [MAC423] Which of the following is about a person’s life? Biography books [MAC423] One can be charged to court for sedition for the following except Having a seditious publication with lawful justification [MAC423] Which of the following must not be established in a sedition charge? Proof of ownership [MAC423] Books are published for these reasons except To denounce [MAC423] One of the following is not a type of publishing Sybdicate publishing