Telegram group: [MAC211] Decoding is closely related to __________ receiving [MAC211] _________ means communication in written or spoken words Verbal [MAC211] When we communicate with a specific goal in mind, the kind of communication said to have occurred is called___________ intentional [MAC211] Stevens (1950) defines communication as psychologist [MAC211] Communication provides satisfaction to the communicator. It is therefore said to be ___________ consummatory [MAC211] The only thing in common between Steinfatt (1977) and Sarbaugh (1988) definitions of communication is the context of __________ symbol [MAC211] Emotional interference is an instance of ______ barrier encoding [MAC211] __________ has been the most controversial aspect of communication over time effects [MAC211] Which of these is a responding barrier? A & B [MAC211] The first stage in the communication cycle involves ________ Aiming