Telegram group: [KHE209] Fireman lifting is an activity that cannot be done without ----------- Partner [KHE209] One of the objectives is to develop physical ------- fitness [KHE209] A gymnastic activity could be categorised into -------activity and apparatus activity floor [KHE209] Modern gymnastics was started by Johann Friedrich Gutsmuths and Friedrich ---------- Jahn Jahan [KHE209] Supplies in gymnastics are also equipment but they are materials that can be used and --------- discarded [KHE209] Trampoline is an -----used in gymnastic apparatus [KHE209] Equipment in gymnastics are ------- durable materials that are used for gymnastics Inmovable [KHE209] All the fixed structures on the floor, wall or ceiling are also --------- facilities [KHE209] Somersaulting is an -------floor activity Individual [KHE209] Floor activities are the activities done on the floor without the use of any ----- or apparatus Instument