Email: Whatsapp/Telegram: 08131667008 ISL271 Question: Form whom did caliph Umar make special request for his final place of burial? Answer: Aishah bntAbubakr Question: What was the name of the daughter of caliph Umar bn Khattab whom he married to the Prophet Muhammad? Answer: Hafsat Question: What was the name of AbubakarVs daughter who became a heroin of Islam Answer: Aishah Question: According to prophetic prediction, genuine khilafah after nubuwwah would lastâ€|..years Answer: Thirty Question: Who is the second VUmar in the history of Islam? Answer: Umar bn YAbdul-YAziz Question: The only daugther left behind by Prophet Muhammad among his children was Answer: Fatimah Question: Ali was called Asadullah (lion of Allah) because of‭ ‬ Answer: Bravery Question: The battle of the camel took place between Answer: Ali and Aishah Question: The Islamic political principle called Shura means â€| Answer: Consultative forum Question: Who was the mother of caliph Abu Bakr (r) ? Answer: Salma Question: The next Caliph after Abubakr was Answer: Uthman bn Affan Question: In battles, Muslim warriors proclaim Allahu Akbar which means Answer: God is the greatest Email: Whatsapp/Telegram: 08131667008