Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 ISL245 Question: Believe that God creates both good and evil is the argument of . . . Answer: Sunnis Question: The formula by which a person attest to the unity of God is . . . Answer: Shahadah Question: Azraqites and Najdites are two main subdivisions of . . . Answer: Kharijites Question: Prerogative of leadership conferred on the Quraysh was opposed by . . . Answer: Murjites Question: Dispute between the Sahabah was settled by way of Arbitration and those who rejects it formed themselves into a group called. . Answer: Khawarij Question: According to . . . . being a saint or a sinner is not within man\'s controls Answer: Jabrites Question: Muslims belief in all of the messengers is one of the . . . in Islam Answer: Articles of faith Question: Qadar means: Answer: Decree Question: . . . is the prophet of Allah born without a father. Answer: Isa (A.S) Question: Manzilah bayna manzilatayn means; Answer: Middile position between the two Question: were a movement in Islam which placed the use of reason over revelation on religious matters. Answer: Mutazilates Question: Manzilah bayna manzilatayn means; Answer: Middile position between the two Question: were a movement in Islam which placed the use of reason over revelation on religious matters. Answer: Mutazilates Question:.... believe that reward and punishment are entirely GodVs grace. Answer: Ash\'arites Question: believe that Ali R.A has Charisma and supernatural powers. Answer: Shiah Question:.... believes that both Ali and his sons R A were infallible leaders. Answer: Shi\'a Question: Among the ShiVa sect believe that Ali R.A rank higher than the prophet SAW Answer: Nusairiya Question: Prerogative of leadership conferred on the Quraysh was opposed by . Answer: Kharijites Question: Qudrah and Ikhtiyar are powers God created in ... Answer: Human Question:.... called the chosen Sahabis infadels Answer: Shi’ah Question: The doctrine of manzilah bayna manzilatayn gave birth to ... Answer: Mutazilates Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008