Telegram group: [INR393] The international political system is surrounded with different actors which can be simply categorized into two [INR393] The international political system is surrounded with different actors which can be simply categorized into one [INR393] _ determines international political behaviour of state power [INR393] The idea of balance of power was born out of the desire to protect national interest in a _ diplomatic [INR393] The interest of the state is called _? national interest [INR393] The evolution of international political system has been traced to the Westphahia Treaty [INR393] The evolution of international political system has been traced to the Westphahia Treaty [INR393] The complex period in the evolution of international political system was _ transitional period [INR393] The complex period in the evolution of international political system was _ the classical period [INR393] Thirty years war differentiated the church from the _ state