Telegram group: [HED208] Erikson (1972) stresses that children are active rather than passive creatures who are-------- by their parents modelled [HED208] In personality development heredity is refered to as natute while envirnvoment is refered to -------- nurture [HED208] The Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt (1-3 years corresponds to ---- stage (symbolic) of Piaget’s Cognitive developmental theory falls within early childhood stage pre-operatioal [HED208] Personality is the --------- pattern of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that distinguishes one person from another and persists over time self [HED208] Individuals with high openness are said to actively pursue ------ by pursuing extreme, euphoric experiences, self-actualization [HED208] Personality is the amount of -------based and acquired behaviors that shape the specific responses of the individual to his environmentT Biologically [HED208] One of the characteristics of personality is ------- Dyanamic [HED208] nFreud theorized that personality comprises three structures— the Id, the ego, and the -------- subconscious [HED208] The ----is a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievement. Awareness [HED208] The -------is a pattern of quickly feeling unpleasant emotions like frustration, anxiety, depression and vulnerability Neuroticism