Telegram group: [FMC221] A …….. is a classification of a film based on its content and technique genre [FMC221] In film studies, a story is ………. is an account of events, incidents and sequences. [FMC221] A brief statement of the facts and points in a large volume is….. an outline [FMC221] The crucial elements of your script should include …… All of the above [FMC221] The main characters in a story are …. Protagonist and Antagonist [FMC221] The …………….camera movement is executed by merely adjusting the lens of the camera zoom [FMC221] …………. Are usually taken from a plance, a helicopter, or a person on top of a building Aerial Shots [FMC221] For a Script Writer, Concept is …….. that which is conceived an overriding idea from which other things spring. [FMC221] If the antagonist eventually triumphs over the protagonist, the film will tend towards …… tragedy [FMC221] History has it that acting was first recorded in ………………… during the worship of the god called Dionysus Ancient Greece