Telegram group: [ESM212] Tropical humid climates experiences high temperature with a mean of about ……………………………. Throughout the year 27ᵒC [ESM212] The life cycle of a tropical cyclones average ……………… days 6 [ESM212] Weak cyclones which occurs in many portions of oceanic and continental tropics is referred to as …………… Monsoon depression [ESM212] …………….remains the greatest contributory factor to increase presenc of green house gases. Carbondioxide [ESM212] ……………………….. Makes up the largest single group of animals that live in tropical forests Insects [ESM212] The phenomena known as 2ᵒ to 8ᵒF [ESM212] All the followings are factors that contributes to the occurrence and intensity of heat islands excepts …………………………………. Humidity [ESM212] They are ………………………….. different species in 2.5 acres of a tropical rainforest 40 to 100 [ESM212] ………………… ………. Used empirical approach, noting vegtation; soil and drainage pattern in relation to climatic characteristics Thornthwaite [ESM212] Globally averaged near-surface air temperature is projected to increase by ………………………… over the period of 1990 - 2100 1.4 to 5.8ᵒC