Telegram group: [ESM211] _________ is described as specific ecological units with specific location and boundaries. Ecosytem [ESM211] Human Population is a key component of the _______ factors of the environment biotic [ESM211] The world population is over 6 billion and by the year 20________ it has been predicted to hit the 9 billion mark 50 [ESM211] The Gaia Concept named after Gaia Greek goddess of the earth, was devised by a British Scientist _______ in 1979 James Lovelock [ESM211] ________ is not an abiotic factor Vegetation [ESM211] Lion and hyena are examples of ________ canivores [ESM211] The relationship between sharks and Remoras in the Ocean is a very good and well known example of _________ Commensalism [ESM211] Organisms that basically eat the body part of other plants are known as ________ hebivores [ESM211] Population________is a permanent growth in population size due to favourable in birth rate relative to death rate growth [ESM211] _________ is a relationship in which an organism benefits while the other is not harmed Commensalism