ENT101 Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008 ENT101 defines a business plan as a written summary of an entrepreneurâ€~s proposed business venture, its operational and financial details, its marketing opportunities and strategy, and its managersâ€~ skills and abilities. Answer: Scarborough (2014) is the study of populations both in terms of their overall size and their structural characteristics. Answer: demography Entrepreneurship is a situation when an enterprising individual pursues a lucrative opportunity. This definition is created to _ Answer: bateman and snell (2011) Entrepreneur can be differentiated from owner-manager on the following basis except Answer: organisational standards is the number of live births per thousand of the population in a given year. Answer: birth rate Personaal resources can be divided in to savings and Answer: inherited wealth is not an example of exchange relationship in entrepreneurial activities Answer: dealing with public officials may take the form of a new product in an old market Answer: innovation A/An is one who has the responsibility to plan, organize, lead and control its available resources effectively and efficiently in order to achieve organizational purpose. Answer: managers The full meaning of CEO is Answer: chief executive officer is the study of value and resource allocation, applied to new ventures. Answer: entrepreneurial finance Factors in the internal environment of business include the following except Answer: technology European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was inaugurated Answer: 1991 Another name for task environment is Answer: macro environment Technological issue in entrepreneurial activities include the following except Answer: production management Operations managers are example of managers Answer: middle is an example of management control in entrepreneurial activities Answer: financial management is the last step involved in entrepreneurial process Answer: managing and growing an entrepreneurial firm Entrepreneurial activities as propounded by Kilby (1971) can be broadly categorized into Answer: 4 is defined as Ythe sum of knowledge of the means and methods of producing goods and services Answer: technology Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008