Telegram group: [ENG423] …. was written by Percy B. Shelley. Zastrozzi [ENG423] ….Austen vindicates characters with self control and adheres to social codes Jane [ENG423] Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley in …… 1818 [ENG423] Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley in …… 1808 [ENG423] Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley in …… 1808 [ENG423] Samuel T. Coleridge and Worthsword championed the ….Romanticism English [ENG423] Samuel T. Coleridge and Worthsword championed the ….Romanticism English [ENG423] Romantic Poetry sees man in communion with the ….World? Natural [ENG423] The …...dominated the Victorian Period Novel [ENG423] The Romantic Period covers 1798 to … 1830