Telegram group: [ENG224] A society is a complex institution with all kinds of practices and assumptions about -------. behaviours [ENG224] A paragraph is ----------- in terms of its appearance on the page. aesthetic [ENG224] The ------- demonstrated in writing are contextual and depend on the communities, relationships or groups involved. stylistic varieties [ENG224] The ----------- of a paragraph is seen in the internal patterns in terms of the sentence-by-sentence connections. stylistics [ENG224] There is really no hard and fast rule about the ------ a paragraph in any piece of writing. length of [ENG224] Trying to separate an already written text into paragraphs is siad to be a --------- to paragraph formation. retrospective approach [ENG224] The paragraph displays its ----------- in terms of the content and how the writer uses it to present his/her ideas on any issue. functional value [ENG224] Writing is societal. Consequently, your writing must conform to the conventions of ----------. form and style [ENG224] Writing in the society has a lot of social demands. To meet these demands, your -------- is very important use of language [ENG224] The technique of dveloping your paragraph as you are thinking and writing is called a ------------ approach to paragraph development. concurrent