Telegram group: [ENG162] The subject-matter of a play is called...? Theme [ENG162] Which of the options A-D is the Greek word for drama?n Dran [ENG162] Who is the author of 'I Wnill Marry When I Want'? Ngugi wa Thiongo [ENG162] When people play roles in a drama it is called...? Characterization [ENG162] Which of the options A-D is true about drama? Mirror of society [ENG162] Where is the National Theatre located? Lagos [ENG162] Who is the author of 'Death of a Salesman'? Arthur Miller [ENG162] When two actors discuss in a play it is called...? Dialogue [ENG162] What is the organization of action in series? Plot [ENG162] The origin of drama is traced to which of the options A-D? Greek