Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 ENG151 Question: One of the following is the language of early education. Answer: L1 Question: French is used as the official language in one of these countries. Answer: Chad Question: One of the following factors is responsible for foreign language speakersV inadequate linguistic facility. Answer: Limited exposure Question: The spread of English gave rise to one of the following. Answer: Varieties Question: The statement: \ Answer: Lexical Question: English was initially the language of one of these groups of people. Answer: British Question: The expansion of the English language is linked to the beginning of the reign of one of these queens of England. Answer: Queen Elizabeth 11 Question: How many mutually unintelligible dialects exist in Chinese language? Answer: 6 Question: The word CANOE is borrowed from one of the following languages. Answer: Indian Question: The following: Ygo-slowV, Ybush- meatY, Ychewing stickY are examples of one of the following. Answer: Nigerian English Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008