EHS409 Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 One of the devices used in secondary treatment of wastewater include: Answer: trickling filters results form the ingestion of exotoxin secreted by bacterial cells growing on food Answer: food intoxication The four components of waste-water are the following except: Answer: other chemicals Disinfection or destruction of pathogenic organisms can be achieved using Answer: chlorine The presence of these organisms in a water body indicates faecal contamination. Answer: faecal coliforms Is the opening of an ager plate and exposing it to air for sampling Answer: deposition Canning destroys which spores Answer: c. botulinum Give the microbial food enzyme produced by Aspergillus Answer: amylase One of the methods used to control microorganisms of indoor air is Answer: radiation Thrive in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Answer: facltative The following are water-bom pathogens except Answer: hepatitis b virus results from the ingestion of microorganism that causes gastrointestinal disorders Answer: food infection is a process for treating sewage and industrial waste water using air and a biological floe composed of bacteria and protozoans Answer: activated sludge Thrive in aerobic conditions. Answer: aerobes some air sampling devices are as follows except: Answer: sedimentation basin is the study of small organisms which are too small to be seen with the unaided eyes. Answer: microbiology Is the trapping of airborne particles in liquid matrix Answer: impingement is the quantity of dissolved oxygen consumed by microorganisms during the breakdown of organic carbon in a wastewater sample during an incubation period of 5 days at 20°C. Answer: cbod Cabinets are used to control the spread of airborne microbes Answer: vacuum The devices that are commonly used in wastewater include the following except: Answer: scissors Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008