Telegram group: [EHS405] The bureaucratic element in which a top-bottom flow of authority is exhibited is hierarchy [EHS405] The main purpose of administration in an organisation is to achieve a set objective [EHS405] The correct definition of health is mental, physical, social well-being [EHS405] An administrative management theory in which an organisation is seen as a unified inter-related component is system [EHS405] The effective motivational tool that could be employed in the industry is adoption of performance-reward linkage [EHS405] Which of the following is not a component of environmental health? personal safety [EHS405] In input-transformation output model sub-system, which of these is not true? Transformations turned inputs to finished products regardless of environmental interaction [EHS405] The economic output of an individual is a function of physical, emotional and social stabilities [EHS405] The physical health of an individual revolves round emotional, social and economic outputs [EHS405] Environment is made up of non-living organisms alone