Telegram group: [EDU815] ___ is a concrete material which is a representation of the object to be learnt. mathematical model [EDU815] An alternative to real object as instructional aid is___ concrete object [EDU815] A secondary school Mathematics teacher should be conversant with the objectives of teaching Mathematics at __ level(s) primary and secondary [EDU815] another name for lecture method is _ conventional method [EDU815] Discovery method could be divided into 2 [EDU815] ___ is the breaking down of the Mathematics topics for the year into termly and weekly plans scheme of work [EDU815] ___ is a mode of instruction in which the teacher attempts to make provision for individual differences individualised instruction [EDU815] Assignment in the laboratory work may include all these EXCEPT finding simple interest [EDU815] A unit plan should last for one week not always [EDU815] __ is a teaching method that makes learners to progress independently through an ordered series of lessons. individualised instruction