Telegram group: [EDU768] The nature of social studties is concerned with basic characteristics of the subject in terms of focus and_____ content [EDU768] A good social studies programme is aimed at helping the learner to acquire analytical ideas and problem solving _____ skills [EDU768] When using a role play techniques, the teacher must identify the role that will be _____ for student to play interesting [EDU768] The universal basic education was introduced in _____ 1999 [EDU768] Social studies prepares the learners for social ___________ responsibility [EDU768] Who identified eight concepts that one could use to explain the nature of social studies? Adeyoyin [EDU768] What year did 9—year Basic Education curriculum developed in Nigeria? 2007 [EDU768] A teacher involving his student in value clarrification, is expected to take the student through _____ value process [EDU768] The goal of social studies can be categorised into _____ motifs 4 [EDU768] Method of teaching is used as a general term to cover everything that the teacher does to improve students'_____ performace