Telegram group: [EDU423] A process wherein the parts, processes or outcomes of a programme are examined to see they are satisfactory, particularly with reference to the stated objectives Evaluation [EDU423] The following authors defined Assessmen except Brown [EDU423] The test, which is applied during instruction to find out the underlying cause of students persistent learning difficulties is called __________ test. Diagnostic [EDU423] Process of assigning a number to a performance or attribute of a person is called Assessment [EDU423] Which evaluation is carried out in order to fix the students in thenappropriate group or class? Placement [EDU423] A systematic process of obtaining the quantified degree to which a Measurement [EDU423] A measuring tool or instrument in education Test [EDU423] Latin word “asoidere” means To sit by [EDU423] The process of administering the test Testing [EDU423] Which evaluation is designed to help both the student and teachernto pinpoint areas where the student has failed to learn so that this failure may be rectified may be rectified? Formative