Telegram group: [EDU231] wheeler is concerned with the learner and the learning ________ with which he interacts environment [EDU231] Tyler's emphasis is on learning _______ outcome [EDU231] Educational ______ are descriptions of an outcome of action objectives [EDU231] In Tyler's model, the _____ is the selection of aims and objectives second [EDU231] Studying the history of curriculum development is important as it help curriculum _______to make appropriate changes as the need arises. planners [EDU231] By studying the history, you would have seen that curriculum development is an ______ exercise ongoing [EDU231] Wheeler’s emphasis is on learning _______ experience [EDU231] _____ education had no written curriculum traditional [EDU231] Nigeria became a full republic in _____ 1963 [EDU231] Tyler suggests that learningg experiences must be selected to achieve specified _______ objectives