Telegram group: [EDA825] The principles according to which we do things, communicate with one another or behave are known as ………. Values [EDA825] ………is when a person is attach to, or determine to reach a goal goal commitment [EDA825] A social group that is deliberately constructed in order to achieve certain specific goals is called …… organisation [EDA825] Attitude that no longer serves its function will cause the individual holding that attitude to feel …… blocked [EDA825] Managers who use hunamistic approach focus mainly on………..n social relationships [EDA825] who opines that organization is the rational coordination of the activities of a number of people for the achievement of some common explicit goals. Schein (1970) [EDA825] A series of personal belief or ideas which cause an individual to feel and act in certain ways Attitudes [EDA825] The operation of any of thensubsystems usually affects the …….. whole system [EDA825] Rendering quality services at the lowest possible cost is …………. efficiency [EDA825] In an organisation, the staff's reaction to culture is known as …….. organisation climate