Telegram group: [ECO715] _______ is tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences research hypothesis [ECO715] One of the following is not discussed under literature review in research writing method of the study [ECO715] One of the following scales makes use of ranks in the placement of events in order. ordinal scale [ECO715] _____________ scale is simply a system of assigning number symbols to events in order to label them nominal [ECO715] The ability of a research instrument to give the same result over time with different respondent themselves is know as ______ stability [ECO715] Multivariate statistical analysis is classified into ____________ analysis. dependent and independent [ECO715] The variable that affects other variables is called the __________ variable independent [ECO715] ___________ is used for indexing of a manuscript keywords [ECO715] A research manuscript usually contains the following key elements except ______________ bibiography [ECO715] The coefficient of reliability falls between two integers ______ 0 and 1