Telegram group: Email: Whatsapp/ Telegram/ SignalApp: 08131667008 [ECO711] The supply of land is ___ Fixed [ECO711] When total utility begins to fall, marginal utility is ____ Negative [ECO711] Rent is that portion of produce of the earth which is paid to the landlord for the use of the original and indestructible powers of the soil. Tjis is a definition as propounded by ____ David Ricardo [ECO711] A consumer is said to be a ____ person Rational [ECO711] The ratio of the marginal utility of two commodities consumed is referred to as ____ Marginal Rate of Substitution [ECO711] The term convexity means that as marginal utility ____ , consumption ____ Falls/rises [ECO711] Which of these is not an assumption of the ordinal utility? Additivity [ECO711] In economics, getting the maximum possible output from given resources is referred to as ____ Efficiency [ECO711] In the cardinal utility approach consumer is at equilibrium when ____ is maximized Utility [ECO711] In the graphical method of solving linear programming, you begin by converting the constraint Inequalities to equalities Email: Whatsapp/ Telegram/ SignalApp: 08131667008