Telegram group: [ECO454] All the followings are sources of deviation in parameter model estimation exception ____________. constant variable [ECO454] Economic _______ describes the way in which economic variables are interelated. model [ECO454] Which of the followings is not among the stages of eeconometric research? hypothesis [ECO454] The stages involved in expressing economic relationships between variables in mathematical form is called ____________? model formulation [ECO454] One of the assumptions about error term in econometric is that the error term has ____________? zero mean [ECO454] Given an econometric model C= a +bY + u; what does 'u' stands for? error term [ECO454] A model is a __________ representation of a real world process. simplified [ECO454] There is posibility of error of _______ when magnitudes relating to individual data are sumed up. aggregate [ECO454] The following are good properties of econometric model except? linear bias [ECO454] In the following econometric model Y= a +bX + U; what does 'b' stands for? coefficient