Email: Whatsapp/Telegram/Signalapp: 08131667008 ECO453 Question: Which is fixed effect model? Answer: [A] y = (î± + Ä\i\) + Xit î2 + Vit Question: What is the probability of Mariam not working if the probability of her working is 0.67? Answer: 0.33 Question: Perform diagnostic check in ARDL for serial correlation using the Breusch- Godfrey LM test, select “Viewâ€D then select “‭ ‬â€D and “Serial Correlation LM Testâ€D Answer: Residual Panel Question: A one-way model includes only one set of variables Answer: dummy Question: Random effects assume that the entity’s error term is not correlated with the predictors which allows for time-invariant variables to play a role as variables. Answer: explanatory Question: A fixed effect model examines if vary across group or time period, Answer: intercepts Question: When using fixed effect we assume that something within the individual may impact or bias the predictor or outcome variables and we need to for this. Answer: control Question: When each entity in a data set has different numbers of observations, the panel data are . Answer: not balanced Question: A random effect model explores differences in error components across individual or time period. Answer: variance Question: Which model is random effect? Answer: y = î± + Xit î2 +( Âpi + Vit) Question: Technically, time-invariant characteristics of the individuals are perfectly with the person [or entity] dummies. Answer: collinear Question: Since an individual specific effect is time invariant and considered a part of the intercept, Âp is allowed to be correlated with other regressors; That is, OLS assumption is not violated. Answer: 2 Email: Whatsapp/Telegram/Signalapp: 08131667008