Telegram group: [ECO452] The long term variations about the trend usually caused by disruption in services or socio-economic activities, cyclical variations are commonly associated with economic cycles, successive boom and slumps in the economy is referred to as: Cyclical Variation [ECO452] What happens when a null hypothesis is rejected? Accept the alternative hypothesis [ECO452] The Z-distribution approaches what distribution: Normal Distribution [ECO452] What refers to short term fluctuation or changes that occur at regular intervals less than a year: Seasonal Variation [ECO452] The Z-distribution is for what sample size: Large sample [ECO452] What deals with procedures for making inferences ·about the characteristics that describe the large group: Inferential statistics [ECO452] What refers to sequence of observations that gives information on how data has been behaving in the past? Time series [ECO452] The joint hypothesis can be tested by the use of ANOVA [ECO452] Inferential statistics (or statistical tests) are categorized into what groups: Two groups [ECO452] What refers to the general direction in which the graph of time series appears to be going over a long period of time: Secular Trend