Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 ECO348 Question: The combination of laissez-faire economic theory with the removal of barriers to the movement of goods is called Answer: Liberalization Question: According to Senior (2006), occurs when a corruptor covertly gives a favour to a corruptee or to a nominee to influence action(s) that benefit the corruptor or a nominee, and for which the corruptee has authority Answer: Corruption Question: The possibility that welfare gains may be gotten by adopting a free-trade regime is the central conclusion flowing from David RicardoVs celebrated Answer: Comparative-Advantage Model Question: The curve which shows visually the distribution of one variable (income) across a population is called Answer: Lorenz curve Question: In what fields is globalization seen as global mass culture dominated by the modem means of cultural production, like movies and internet Answer: Sociology and Communications Question: What a government decides explicitly to do is called Answer: Policy Question: The international capital and trade data contain a balancing error term called Answer: net errors and omissions Question: An area where the government cannot keep the peace, nor exercise its legal powers, over the whole, or at least the great bulk, of the area and population within its jurisdiction is referred to as a Answer: Failed State Question: Goods that every state after a fashion desires but which uncoordinated action by individual states will not deliver are called Answer: Global public goods Question: Initially, the main aim of World Bank was to provide for the speedy rehabilitation o f countries devastated by the Second World War Answer: loans Question: Specific problems of liberalization may include all of the following except Answer: Religious and ethnic crisis Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008