Telegram group: [ECO348] The World Bank shifted its focus to projects like ___after the establishment of International Development Association (IDA) Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals [ECO348] The three modes of co-ordination on which modern communities depend on are ___ Market, State and Civil Society [ECO348] The Second Era of Globalization is said to have been broken down in stages beginning with the ___ First World War [ECO348] International capital flows are the financial side of ___ International trade [ECO348] Civil society covers organizations, institutions, and Practices [ECO348] A more flexible, neoclassical development of the Ricardian model is the ___ Heckscher-Ohlin model [ECO348] World Trade Organization (WTO) was created to succeed GATT [ECO348] Which one of these is not a type of international financial flow to developing countries? Wages [ECO348] When a country’s imports exceed its exports, it has a ___ Current account deficit [ECO348] Civil-society habits and organizations are based upon three human propensities. They are Propensities for ___ trust and trustworthiness, for responsibility, and for creation