Telegram group: [ECO314] Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is event oriented and Critical Path Method (CPM) is ____________ oriented activity [ECO314] Solve EVd1 = 50,000 (0.5) + 30,000 (0.3) + 15,000 (0.2) 3700 [ECO314] There are three time estimates in PERT, EXCEPT______________ Unlikely time [ECO314] Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) activities are ___________ in nature Probabilistic [ECO314] Linear programming deals with the optimisation (maximisation or minimisation) of a function of variables known as ___, subject to a set of linear equations and/or inequalities known as constraints. objective function [ECO314] What is this assumption in linear programming that if a product yields a profit of #10, the profit earned from the sale of 15 such products will be # (10 x 15) = #150? Proportionality [ECO314] In business decision analysis there are two broad objectives that decision makers can possible set to achieve. What are they? Maximization of profit and minimization of loss [ECO314] One of these is NOT a project management process Decision process [ECO314] The scope of Operation Research in financial management covers the following areas EXCEPT __________. Recurrent budgeting [ECO314] Using the first come, first served rule calculate average flow time if the sum of total flow time is 304 days and number of jobs is 8. 38 jobs