Telegram group: [ECO311] The referencing stype popularly adopted in the Social Sciences is APA [ECO311] When research have to be sequential and logical, it is called _________ systematic research [ECO311] To find out the opinion of people as regard accessibility of healthcare in a state, we use _____ descriptive research [ECO311] Two known frameworks in social sciences rearch are: conceptual and ________frameworks theoretical [ECO311] The guidelines for selecting a project research title does not include _____ none of the options [ECO311] Kate Turabian Style is another name for ______ stple of referencing Chicago [ECO311] The first step in the course of carrying out any research activities is _____ problem identification [ECO311] A project title a function of research problem True [ECO311] This type of research uses information or data expressed through mathematical signs quantitative [ECO311] A critical analysis of published works through summary and comparison of prior research studies literature review