Telegram group: [ECE421] The need to feel worthwhile, love and be loved and the need to belong, are referred to as -------- needs? Emotional [ECE421] A systematic arrangement of fundamental principles that provide a basis for explaining certain happenings of life is known as a/an ----- Theory [ECE421]  Which model views health as an individuals ability and capability to cope with personal and private troubles? ----- model Biological [ECE421] The word health comes from the same root as the word ---- Heal [ECE421] Your ability to process and act on information, clarify values and beliefs, and exercise your decision-making capacity represent ---- dimension of health? Intellectual [ECE421] Health is composed of ------ number of interacting, dynamic dimensions Five [ECE421] The weight that is best for you is called your ------- weight Desired [ECE421] The beliefs which underlie a person’s subjective norms are termed ----- beliefs. Normative [ECE421] A person’s ability to function effectively in meeting the demands of the day’s work and to use free time effectively is referred to as ----- wellness Physical [ECE421] Offering real aid in the form of labor, money and time represent ----- type of social support? Instrumental