ECE231 Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 In science, scientific laws are generalized statement that have characterized in a pattem called... Answer: general The first skill used by scientists in carrying out investigation of natural phenoma is ... Answer: observation The basic theoretical structure of physical sciences can be found in a law called... Answer: boyle’s law In research, the outcome of observation and measurement is done through â€|. Answer: communicati ng In research, empirical concepts are concepts derived fromâ€| and â€| Answer: direct and indirect observation Knowing the size or extent of something especially in comparison within a known standard is called... Answer: prediction The order which simplify communication on phenomenal being investigated by scientists is known as... Answer: operational definition A theory is put forward to explain the existence ofâ€| Answer: law The ordering of things or objects is based on certain common characteristics called... Answer: communicating The following are processes used by scientists to carrying out investigation except. Answer: cleaning Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008