ECE113 Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 Those who run day care centres in Nigeria are more from the Answer: private sector Child Day Care Centre provide care and security for children between Answer: 0-36 months Pre-natalmeans Answer: 0 to birth The two diverse views about education are Answer: preparation for the future and education for immediate needs Early childhood education includes Answer: all of the above What is logic? Answer: a science which treats the operations of the human mind in its search for the truth. To Meyers(1977) nursery schools are referred to as Answer: institution that offer educational programmes designed to meet the physical, social and emotional needs of toddlers The sensorimotor stage is between Answer: birth through ages 18-24 months What Greek word is Ethics derived from? Answer: ethics Ajayi Dopemu states (1994) states that education is Answer: the light of the mind Nursery school is a place set apart for educating children within the ages Answer: 03- 5 years According to the new Encyclopedia Britanica (1998) social scientist term education as Answer: enculturation Metaphysics asks critical questions except Answer: what do we mean when we say we know? Into how many parts can we classify philosophy Answer: 3 To Aristotle Metaphysics is Answer: a theological science By the end of early childhood the childYs cognitive development has matured over Answer: 0.5 To be of good health and sound mind the pre-schooler needs one of the following Answer: balanced diet What are the two Greek nouns combined together to form the word philosophy Answer: philia and sofia The word nursery means Answer: any place in which something bred nourished or fostered Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008