Telegram group: [CSS742] social anthropologists recognised ……ideal type of political settlements 2 [CSS742] The Nigeria Police as we know today is a product of …….. administration colonial [CSS742] traditionally police were recruited among the …………………… slaves [CSS742] in traditional northern Nigeria the …..were the bodyguards of the Sarki dogarai [CSS742] pre-colonial Nigerian State include one of the following……… A &B [CSS742] The ………... play important roles without which the sustenance of law impossible police [CSS742] The first body of public order officers to be named police in England was the …….. police marine [CSS742] Divination plays a crucial role in the …... regulation of individual and group behaviour supernatural [CSS742] ……...consultation enable the community to “determine” the guilt or innocence oracular [CSS742] the lineage is an important….. unit for the enforcement of acceptable codes of behaviour ritual