CSS381 Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008 .....is a generalised, wide ranging system of knowledge about social reality and human experience expressed from a woman cantered perspective Feminist theory Domestic violence robs victims of their..........to maintain control over their own lives Fundamental rights The.........provides a broad analysis to examine the individual within the larger social context in which he/she is situated Social learning theory Social learning theory .....contend that patriarchy has permeated almost every social institution in the society because the oppression of women is maintained by these institutions Radical Feminist In 1981, the............became the first multi-disciplinary program designed to address the issue of domestic violence Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project Nigeria signed and ratified............on June 13, 1985 without any reservations CEDAW In..............., violence is used by men to maintain dominance and to those who use it, not only do they feel justified, but believe it is within their right Hegemonic masculinity Male violence can also be linked to the..........as it holds that an initial maladaptive behaviour most often results from the interaction of learning the different response patterns Theory system The notion of men having authority to.........their female partners is a manifestation of patriarchal values and norms inherent in our society Discipline The advent of has seen the proliferation of more and more women into the labour force system mordernization Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008