Telegram group: [CSS351] Admission board is the concluding part of admission ---- of the prisoners into the prison Warden [CSS351] Habitual prisoners are also called ---- recidivist [CSS351] Unconvicted inmates are group of prisoners not yet found guilty of any offence by the ---- law courts [CSS351] Facors considered in the allocation of cells includes nature of crime, convicted or not convicted and ---- health [CSS351] The Nigerian Prison service is a sensitive stake holder in the ---- justuce system criminal [CSS351] On entering, the prisoners are searched for any ---- article prohibited [CSS351] The process of admiting prison inmates starts at the ---- gate lodge [CSS351] In ----, Lord Lugard succeeded in amalgamating the northern and southern protectorates 1914 [CSS351] Musa A. Egu (1990), devided the evolution of Nigerian Prsion into ---eras Two [CSS351] In 1862, Freeman was commissioned to constitute and appoint --- and other necessary officers Judge