Telegram group: [CSS212] In prescientific literate society, Unwritten…............... though by no means the only source of Criminal Law, became written Penal Codes mores [CSS212] The…...............seeks revenge against those who wrong him and makes no attempts to embroider his motive. primitive man [CSS212] .............reviewing 88 laboratory studies, concluded that they show reward almost universally beneficial, while punishment did harm twice as often as it did good Strang [CSS212] The older notion that primitive “justice” was characterized by endless series of….............exchanges has been modified retaliatory [CSS212] Punishment was expected to be based upon the degree of …...................... which the individual had at the time of the crime. responsibility [CSS212] To Jeremy Bentham punishment should be allotted in amounts just…..................... to produce a net loss (i.e.,pain) for a person committing criminal act. sufficient [CSS212] Many private injuries or torts became….........or crimes. public injuries [CSS212] …..........., along with other social activities, were a bit less dominated by magical formulas Penal practices [CSS212] Little can be derived from the study of…................. in the laboratory which is significant for the problems of the penologist punishment [CSS212] Punishment, to…............ from crime, must provide a pain greater than the pleasure involved in crime. deter