Email: Whatsapp/Telegram: 08131667008 CSS211 Question: The concept of Anomie as a form of sociological interpretation of Crime and Delinquency is linked to________ Answer: Robert K. Merton Question: The Juvenile court is otherwise known as ______ court because of its paternalistic philosophy . Answer: Family Question: Retreatism refers to ___ Answer: dropouts Question: This is one of the foundations of interactionist approach _____ Answer: Goffman Question: Merton noted that the ____ society places enormous emphasis on the pursuit of material success Answer: American Question: According to Mead and Cooley, society is possible because of communication involving shared ________ Answer: symbols Question: The parens patriae doctrine means_____ Answer: state as father Question: The scholar that wrote the Sociology of Crime and Delinquency is ___ Answer: Chukwunka Question: “give a dog a bad name” means____ Answer: label Question: The depressants otherwise called _____ are drugs that have effects on the brain.v Answer: sedative Email: Whatsapp/Telegram: 08131667008