CSS136 Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008 1).The exponent of the body type criminality is ____ (A)bentham (B)beccaaria (C)lombroso (D)sheldon Ans: sheldon 2).In research ,cohort study is a criminological ____ (A)method (B)time (C)sytle (D)act Ans: method 3).The classical criminology is a product of ____ (A)prison (B)reason (C)entertainment (D)politics Ans: reason 4).The school of thought that criticizes the freewill theory in crime is ____ (A)positivist (B)social (C)classical (D)neo-classical Ans: neo-classical 5).crimes not officialy recorded by the police is called ____ (A)dark crime (B)red crime (C)yellow crime (D)blue crime Ans: dark crime 6).The investigation on the survey research study is based on ____ (A)edition (B)cohort (C)sampling (D)collection Ans: sampling 7).crimes officially recorded by the police is called ____ (A)government record (B)police record (C)prison record (D)people record Ans: government record 8).A criminality determined by environmental conditions is _ (A)biological theory (B)educational theory (C)sociological theory (D)cultural theory Ans: sociological theory 9).The formal source of crime statistics is ____ (A)prison (B)victim survey (C)self-report (D)media report Ans: prison 10).According to Freud the psychoanalytic id is ___ (A)involuntary (B)voluntary (C)unconscious drive (D)conscious drive Ans: unconscious drive Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008