Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 CSS133 Question: An individual moves from the primary stage of deviance to the — if societal reaction is favourable Answer: secondary Question: According to the social control theorists individuals who have little to lose from deviance\nare most likely to become Answer: [A] rule breakers Question: Crime is divided into misdemeanor and Answer: felony Question: Another word attributed to a deviant or someone who violates a rule is an Answer: outsider Question: To a large extent, crime is grouped under felony and misdemeanor based on the type of — Answer: punishment Question: Generally, the classification of crime is based on the — and severity of the offence Answer: degree Question: Edwin Lemert (1989) claasified deviance into two groups namely primary and — deviance Answer: secondary Question: Social reaction shapes deviance Answer: True Question: Differential association theory states that the greater the — of association, the greater the likelihood the behaviour will be deviant Answer: degree Question: Differential Association holds that deviant behaviour is largely the result of — with another person whose behaviour is deviant Answer: associating Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008