CSS133 Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008 Lombroso suggested thatVncriminality is as a result of constitution Answer: biological Between the males and females, which one is more prone to criminal victimization? Answer: males Cloward and Ohlin, (1960) talked about and opportunity Answer: delinquency According to Lombroso Bom criminals are simply called Answer: atavists Body structure can be used to predict criminality according to Answer: william sheldon Robert social structure and Anomie (1938), explains crime on the basis of structural strain or frustration as a\nresult of a person’s position in the social structure Answer: merton’s A criminal sub-culture refers to a situation where criminal youths are closely with adult criminals Answer: connected Robert Merton identified‭ ‬ individual adaptation to anomie modes of Answer: 5 The law-abiding citizens who break\nthe law under conditions which is beyond their control are called Answer: criminaloids Robert Merton observed that humans have a natural tendency to observe norms which are\nreflected by the personalities called Answer: conscience Which group of people are more prone to criminal victimization? Answer: younger people Cloward and Ohlin, (1960) argued that there is greater pressure towards\ncriminality on the working classes because they have less opportunity to\n by legitimate means Answer: succeed criminologically, rapists and their victims are more likely to be Answer: acquaintances Ropbert Merton suggested that criminal behaviour occurred where there is\ndistortion between means and Answer: goals Cultural transmission theory postulates that deviance is sociologically\ntransmitted from one to the next Answer: generation The psychoanalytic theory\npredicts that human behaviour is largely a response to \nforces, drives or instincts which may predispose a man to commit crime Answer: unconscious Female children areprone to abuse and molestation because of their and their ability to defend themselves Answer: age The victim is a victim in which the person acts as\na direct and positive precipitator to the crime Answer: precipitative the theory that empirically established a relationship between behaviour and its\nenvironmental settings is called Answer: operant learning Sigmund Freud suggested that\ncriminality is as a result of constitution Answer: genetic Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008