Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 CSS132 Question: The first Anthropologist as a Colonial Officer wasâ€|‭ ‬ Answer: Mr. C. Meek Question: Anthropology as Sociological discipline started in two universities in Nigeriaâ€|‭ ‬ Answer: Ibadan and Nsuka Question: The turning point in the collection of ethnograpy started in â€|‭ ‬ Answer: 19th Century Question: Culture developed as a response to the followingâ€| Answer: All of the above Question: The concept underlining the anthropological approah to human behaviour is â€|‭ ‬ Answer: Culture Question: Ethnography began to attrack scientific method in â€|‭ ‬ Answer: 1950s Question: Publication of Ethnographie materials started after the â€|‭ ‬ Answer: World war II Question: The amalgamation of Northern and Southern Nigeria took plaace in â€|‭ ‬ Answer: 1914 Question: Colloqually, Culture is synonymous with â€| Answer: Civilization Question: Some Agents of Colonialism wereâ€|‭ ‬ Answer: Missionaries Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008