Telegram group: [CLL233] In which one of the following circumstances is the acceptance ineffective because it does not comply with the prescribed method of acceptance in the offer? The offeror makes it clear that the prescribed method of acceptance is the only and mandatory method [CLL233] which of these two assertion represents reasons given under the classical theory of contract law for the binding nature of the promise? The promise is because its enforcement contributes to the general good of the society and the promisor has a moral obligation to fulfil it [CLL233] In deciding whether a party has provided consideration for a contract, a court must ensure that a party’s contribution has some value in the eyes of the law. [CLL233] The correct sequence in the formation of a contract is : Offer, acceptance, consideration, agreement. [CLL233] Which case gave the locus classicus definition of consideration? Currie v. Misa (1875) [CLL233] When does a unilateral offer arises? Where one party promises to pay for the act of another [CLL233] Which one of the following statements relating to revocation of a unilateral offer is most likely to be true? The offeror loses the power to revoke the unilateral offer once the offeror has notice that an offeree has commenced performance of the act requested in the offer. [CLL233] An agreement becomes a contract if It is enforceable by law [CLL233] A Ltd sends a brochure to B, which prices a certain type of mountain bike at N15000. B replies: 'I am prepared to pay N12500 in cash for the mountain bike.' Which one of the following statements is true? B's reply constitutes a counter-offer. [CLL233] Which ONE of the following statements is correct? Consideration may be executed, executory but not past.