Telegram group: [CIT752] One of the following is not a correct page size 6 [CIT752] DMA is best described as A technique where the I/O module and the main memory exchange data directly without CPU involvement [CIT752] The Instruction Register (IR) __________ Contains the instruction most recently fetched [CIT752] Cache Memory is not associated with Low Speed [CIT752] The following are page replacement algorithms for single processes except RR [CIT752] The FIFO algorithm is noted for the following except High-overhead [CIT752] The CPU sends commands to the DMA module containing the following information All the options [CIT752] Thrashing can be reduced by Analyzing the CPU utilization [CIT752] The operating system will do the following when a page fault occurs all the options [CIT752] The Program Counter (PC) ____________ Contains the address of an instruction to be fetched