CIT484 Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 Which of the following is the reason why Java Script is used on websites? Answer: javascript is used in most websites to enrich the interface and enhance the user experience Object-oriented programmingcan be defined as Answer: a program that involves a set f objects that interact to solve a particular problem Which of the following creates an e-mail link to an email address called ? Answer: <a href= The difference between Java and Java Script is? Answer: java is compiled language while java script is interpreted function function-name(arg1, arg2, arg3) {statement; return expression;} is an example of Answer: function definition What is Java Script? Answer: javascript is the client side scripting language, developed by netscape, used along with Compiled langauge is different from interpreted langauge in that Answer: copiled languages executed top to bottom while interprted language are executed line by line What type of scripting langauge is Java Script? Answer: server side scripting Which of the following tag create a numbered list Answer: <ol> What are the types of statements in Java Script Answer: function and if-statements Which of the following HTML codes open browser in a new page? Answer: <a href = â€ceurlâ€? target = “ blankâ€?> The followings are attributes of <Marquee> tag, EXCEPT? Answer: scroll Which of the following HTML tag defines the title of a document? Answer: <title> One of the following is not a feature of Java Script Answer: java script actions Which of the following tag create a unordered list Answer: <ul> Which tag is used to specify a footer in an HTML document? Answer: <foot> Which of the following tag creates a scrolling text on the webpage? Answer: <marquee> One of the folowing is not an opertaors in Java Script Answer: control structures What is the correct code to insert an image called Noun into a webpage?. Assume it is a Jpeg format Answer: <img src = “noun.jpegâ€?> What is the correct HTML code for inserting a background image in a webpage? Answer: <body background img = background.jpeg> Which of the following is the reason why Java Script is used on websites? Answer: javascript is used in most websites to enrich the interface and enhance the user experience Object-oriented programmingcan be defined as Answer: a program that involves a set f objects that interact to solve a particular problem Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008