Telegram group: [CIT432] Which of these options is used for creating timelines for duration of projects? Gantt chart [CIT432] Which of these shows the necesity to complete one task before another begins? CPA [CIT432] A specialised tool for identifying related and interdependent activities and events is known as? PERT [CIT432] Which among these options is the best tool to identify casual elements easily? Fishbone [CIT432] Which of these options is also called 'cause and effect' diagram? Fishbone diagram [CIT432] The __________ diagram is used for quality management, fault detection and business process management. Fishbone [CIT432] The ____________ is very good for showing interdependent factors whose timinigs overlap or coincide. CPA [CIT432] The _______ method is most suitable when timings and interdependency issues are crucial. PERT [CIT432] Which of these options enables a plan to be scheduled according to a timescale? CPA [CIT432] Which of these options describe the first crucial creative stage of project planning and management? Brainstorming