Telegram group: [CIT412] Which of the following random number assignments could be used for an event that has a 32% chance of occurrence? 00–31 [CIT412] Which system/model applies computational procedures to solve equations ? Numerical model [CIT412] What kind of probabilities is found by summing all the previous probabilities up to the current random variable value? Cumulative [CIT412] One way to increase the probability of identifying the optimal decision when using a simulation is to ________ increase the number of iterations of the simulation [CIT412] What key do you press to recalculate the Excel spreadsheet and there in run another simulation ? F9 [CIT412] Which of the following statements is true? Uniform probability distributions can either be discrete or continuous [CIT412] To get Excel to generate an integer between 0 and 8 enter the following formula: _________ = INT(0 + (8 − 0 + 1) * RAND()) [CIT412] When setting up cumulative probabilities from a given demand probability distribution in order to simulate demand the cumulative probability is _______ a sum of the probabilities that are demand and all demands less than the demanded value [CIT412] Which system/model applies deductive reasoning of mathematical theory to solve a model ? Analytical model [CIT412] ________ is considered to be a numerical computation technique used in conjunction with dynamic mathematical models System simulation